Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Health Tips for Christmas!

Some of my clients have been asking me what they can do to keep themselves on track with their weight and fitness over Christmas and New Year - let's face it, we all overindulge at this time of year - so I thought I would share my tips.....

  1. Alcohol - white spirits are less calorific than beer or wine.  Vodka/gin and slimline tonic are good options for example.  If you like fizzy drinks as your mixer then go for the diet version.
  2. Water - alternate alcoholic drinks with a glass of water - it will stop you drinking as much and will help the hangover the next day!
  3. The Christmas dinner - load up on the veggies (good carbs) and the turkey (protein) and go easy on the potatoes, pigs in blankets and stuffing which are more fatty.  I am not saying don't have them (that would be mean) but reduce the amount you would normally have.
  4. Cook with healthier oil - Rapeseed oil is a great choice as it is low in saturated fat.
  5. Pudding - have less than you would normally and say no to extra cream!
  6. Chocolates and sweets - these are so easy to consume over the festive period as no doubt you either have them in the house for the kids or are surrounded by them in the office.  If you can't avoid them altogether then be disciplined with how many you allow yourself to have!  It's so easy to sit and eat half a box of chocolates in one go, without realising it, but just think how many extra calories that is! 
  7. Know your body - if your body isn't hungry, DON'T FEED IT!  We are all guilty of eating for the sake of it but if you are trying to lose or maintain weight then this is not a good idea.  
  8. Move your body - try and keep relatively active over Christmas.  Go for a walk with the family after your Christmas dinner, take the kids to the park, walk the dog or just pop your iPod on and have a family dance off (my first choice :-)).
There is no doubt that it is harder to keep yourself motivated and disciplined during this time so don't be hard on yourself if you put on a couple of pounds over the holidays as it is probably going to happen to most people! 

Try some or all of the tips above to save as many calories as you can but the most important thing is to remember that you can always get yourself back on track after Christmas.

Most importantly - relax and enjoy yourself with your family!

I wish you a magical Christmas and a healthy New Year.  See you in 2015!

Love Sian xx

Sian is a mobile personal trainer and runs Enrich Fitness with her sister Carrie.  They are based in Twickenham, Middlesex and cover a wide area of South West London and Surrey.  www.enrichfitness.co.uk

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