Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Music - Keep on moving!

At the moment I am training for a 10 mile run.  This morning I was out pounding the streets with my favourite songs playing in my ears.  To be honest I was struggling to keep my legs going but without the tunes I would not have run as far or as fast as I did!

I absolutely love music.  I danced from the age of four so I guess you could say it is in my blood.  I love that music can make you feel all sorts of emotions, depending on what you are listening to!  Not only does music have the power to emote, it also has the power to motivate and keep you going during your workouts or household chores (which count as exercise by the way ;-))

One of my clients trains to music (we have built up our own playlists, 90's dance anyone?) and it makes the session so much more fun for him.  In fact, I think it's what gets him through the tough training sessions I plan for him!

I could find you a statistic about how music positively affects performance but I don't need to as I can speak from experience.  Sometimes I struggle to motivate myself to keep up my own training but as soon as I pop my exercise playlist on and turn up the volume, I find I can keep going for longer as it takes my mind off the workout.  

Give it a try yourself.  Pick a CD or create a playlist on your iPod of upbeat songs that you love.  Each time you exercise or do your housework put it on, crank up the volume (not too high if you are using headphones!!) and away you go!

I bet it makes the exercise/activity more fun.

Love Sian xx

Sian is a mobile personal trainer and runs Enrich Fitness with her sister Carrie.  They are based in Twickenham, Middlesex and cover a wide area of South West London and Surrey.  www.enrichfitness.co.uk

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